Noah's Clubhouse
Created in honour of Noah Roche.
We help children with cerebral palsy by providing funding for therapy services that can make a big difference in their lives.
Donations go towards: Speech Therapy, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Aquatic Therapy, Conductive Education, and much more.

What Our Families Say.
"Naiya is a social butterfly who does not want to be left out of anything. The therapy she receives now will help her to become as independent as possible. The funding helps keep Naiya in the therapy she needs to reach her full potential."
“Michaela is a 3 year old fighter! She has multiple needs, one of which is cerebral palsy. She experiences seizures and recently underwent surgery for a G-tube for feeding. Therapy is essential in order for her to be able to have a better quality of life.”
“Thank you again. This will help us greatly with funding for Brooklyn’s intensive sessions. It is such a wonderful thing that you do with the lack of government funding for cerebral palsy therapy when it is so important for optimal function of the child.”